Sunday, July 11, 2010

100 things

Let's see how many I can get through before having to get up to do something else...will finish the rest @ another time.

PS--100 things about me...not to include my family. Just me.

1. My favorite lunch is a ham sandwich, on white bread, light mayo and ready for this? BBQ potato chips (smushed up in the sandwich) mmmm.
2. I prefer the beach to the mountains.
3.I want to jump out of an airplane.
4. Success to me will be the day I zip up my flight nurse suit for the first time. I hope my family is there to see it.
5. I like cars...all kinds. Right now, I'm hoping for a new body style Beetle. Fun color (no silver or navy here folks) But, also would love a jeep wrangler ( I think you haven't lived until you've parked one on the curb somewhere fancy)
6. I'm an organizational, sticky note, colored pen, highlighter kindof girl.
7. I have a hard time remembering how old I am.
8. I listen to my music WAY too loud on the way to work
9. I can never decide if I want to chop all of my hair off and go for the Meg Ryan "city of angels" look or go long and ponytail it everyday.
10. I'm most self-conscious about my weight
11. I have a watch disease--I love funky watches
12. The $1 socks at Target make me happy.
13. Target makes me happy.
14. I love the way that baby animals have pink feet and ears.
15. I am NOT a morning person and most days need a crane to lift me out of bed.
16. I have a pen collection- they're everywhere but I never seem to have one when I need one.
17. I've worked a lot of places.
18. My favorite job was in high school at the Fresh Market selling flowers. I mean, you really can't mess that up.
19. Anything coffee is appealing to me.
20. I think popcorn smells better than it tastes but I still love to eat it.
21. It frustrates me how uneducated people are happy being uneducated.
22. I love everything to be monogrammed. (I'm a brat, I know)
23. I love going to church at Christmas just for the music and hearing everyone sing carols. Most of the time, I close my eyes for a few minutes and think that if there was a heaven, that's what it would sound like.
24. I fear dying young.
25. I think that everyone is fighting their own battle.
26. I love Jackie O's style.
27. Anything outside and wild is fun.
28. I can't sleep without the fan on.
29. Bojangles cures all alcohol problems.
30. I found microbiology to be the most interesting class in college.
31. I have million dollar ideas all the time but have no idea how to put them into reality.
32. Love waterparks
33.I like sushi
34.Prefer cats to dogs (sorry Mocha)
35. I wish I had more time to write in my journal
36. I'm a weezer fan..not hardcore but truefan.

Gotta run, time for a pt's abx....
Any comments??

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Welcome to my blog. It's a dedicated place for my book reviews, criticism, and love of all things bookish. I am a mom of 4 busy kids that uses reading as my, "thing." I find that reading books turns off all (okay, mostly all?) of the noise of my world and lets me get away for a bit. Reading helps me escape the reality of the piles of laundry that will never be done, the dust bunnies that I swear will one day grow legs, and the emails and outlook calendar that occupy my life Monday- Friday during working hours. Reading is therapy for me and always has been. I've always been a big dork, introverted, creative, and reflective. If I won the lottery tomorrow, I'd probably open up a used bookstore with my standard poodle somewhere on the side of the mountain and surround myself by others who enjoy passing their time reading. Until then, I'll keep on keeping on. And, I'll settle for reading when I can. Which, I try to fit in as much as possible. Cheers to your busy life and mine, doing the best we can, as often as we can.
