Sunday, June 27, 2010

Date night Weds!

Well, it looks as though we are planning on a TOTALLY definite date night. None of this ride around town for 2 hours looking for something to see. Yes, we will be driving the little 2 seater sports car...with windows down. No sir, no carseats present. I'm trying to make some plans so that we'll be able to do something fun. Movies are fun but ... not a lot of interaction you know? AND, we have a movie room so if we wanna watch a movie, we don't need a datenight. Any suggestions my 2 loyal readers? There's going to be mudcats game that starts at 7:15. That's ultra cheap, and fun. Only SOOO hot. But, definite summer fun! Plus, fireworks are possible since we're coming up on a holiday weekend. :)
I'm really excited. AND, I'm hoping to be able to have laundry caught up by then :) It's funny b/c when I get home Monday morning, I have all this energy but then I CRASH and it's hard to haul my butt out of bed!
Sethie has said "uh-oh" this week but doesn't really know the entire concept. He just says it and I love it. Today he was eating some puffs (aka baby crack) and I'd give him one and he'd say "mmma mmmmmmmma" and I jumped up and down and said "yes Sethie, YESSS." Then, in that very exact moment, he realized I really was CRAZY. About him. He is my joy of joys. I'll tell ya. Always smiling. And, after a tough weekend at work, hearing him laugh, babble and just smile..makes things sooo happy for me.
Parker Jay has gotten into this whole thing where he says, " I want to swim swim swim and play play play." It's adorable.We are working on sharing. How's it going? Well, quite frankly, depends on the day. Friday, he had to spend some time in his room alone,crying and throwing a ridiculous fit over his favorite car "boost." So, it's a work in progress. But, isn't everything?

Totally unrelated story...
So, tonight my buddy Chris walks up to me and asks if I'm scared of snakes. I said, "not particularly. Just the poisonous ones." He said, "okay, can you hold onto this for awhile for me?" And, ready? Are you ready??? Suspense??!! A SPECIMEN CUP with a baby snake in it.!!!!!!! Well, my other buddy, Barry in the CHILDREN'S Emergency Dept had it because a kid came in that was bit by it. And, they saved it because they didn't know if it was poisonous or not. So, we want to let it go.
Gotta run, lunch time!!!

Love, Kimmie

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Welcome to my blog. It's a dedicated place for my book reviews, criticism, and love of all things bookish. I am a mom of 4 busy kids that uses reading as my, "thing." I find that reading books turns off all (okay, mostly all?) of the noise of my world and lets me get away for a bit. Reading helps me escape the reality of the piles of laundry that will never be done, the dust bunnies that I swear will one day grow legs, and the emails and outlook calendar that occupy my life Monday- Friday during working hours. Reading is therapy for me and always has been. I've always been a big dork, introverted, creative, and reflective. If I won the lottery tomorrow, I'd probably open up a used bookstore with my standard poodle somewhere on the side of the mountain and surround myself by others who enjoy passing their time reading. Until then, I'll keep on keeping on. And, I'll settle for reading when I can. Which, I try to fit in as much as possible. Cheers to your busy life and mine, doing the best we can, as often as we can.
