Friday, November 13, 2009

Getting old

Okay, now I know that there are those of you who will sigh at me saying this..but's true. I looked in the mirror tonight at work and realized. I'm old. Yep. I said it. It was a glance out of the corner of my eye that really did me in. I was standing at the coffee machine, fumbling for a lid- and there's a mirror to the side so,out of reflex...I just looked. In all honesty, I wanted to see my side view- since I'm 7 weeks postpartum now. And, instead of looking at my abdomen..I looked at the side of my head and realized that I'm old. I'm old. 2 kids, married, a dog, a nurse for 4 years. Now, I know some readers will gasp and call me ridiculous. But, isn't there this point in your late 20s that you realize that people are looking at you differently than they did a few years ago? It's tough. I guess that's why most people turn to shoes. I'm bidding on a pair right now on ebay. They're zebra print danskos. (Don't go and bid against me now!) matter how old or how fat you get you just can't deny that a good pair of shoes makes you feel young, skinny, and well you just don't give a darn about the energetic new girl who seems to be powered by Redbull. You know, the one all the "old" people roll their eyes about! Has it come to this? Am I the OLD person rolling eyes? Gosh.
Well, I still like to ride rollercoasters, I still want to skydive. But, does this mean that I have to collect tupperware (oh how I do love a good tupperware piece) and have Sunday afternoon lunch all prepared at the same time? Does this mean that I have to wear granny panties? Oh my, what about....(drum roll) driving the speed limit all the time?! Does this mean I have to complain about my hair getting wet in the rain? I guess when you start going to the state fair for the food and not the rides it can be assumed that you're well...old.
*By the way, I didn't go to the fair this year for the food or for the rides..we just had Seth. However, if I would have gone, I'm sure that I would have spent all my dollars on food and zilch nada on rides.
Cheers to getting old and NEW SHOES!! (If I win the shoes on ebay I'll post pics as soon as I get them!)

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About Me

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Welcome to my blog. It's a dedicated place for my book reviews, criticism, and love of all things bookish. I am a mom of 4 busy kids that uses reading as my, "thing." I find that reading books turns off all (okay, mostly all?) of the noise of my world and lets me get away for a bit. Reading helps me escape the reality of the piles of laundry that will never be done, the dust bunnies that I swear will one day grow legs, and the emails and outlook calendar that occupy my life Monday- Friday during working hours. Reading is therapy for me and always has been. I've always been a big dork, introverted, creative, and reflective. If I won the lottery tomorrow, I'd probably open up a used bookstore with my standard poodle somewhere on the side of the mountain and surround myself by others who enjoy passing their time reading. Until then, I'll keep on keeping on. And, I'll settle for reading when I can. Which, I try to fit in as much as possible. Cheers to your busy life and mine, doing the best we can, as often as we can.
